Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Whole30 Day 17

Breakfast-  Coffee and some honeydew

Lunch- Ham slices, leftover pork roast and veggies and some salad

Dinner- Egg Salad.... made up my own recipe... It went something like this and it was SO YUMMY

6 hard boiled eggs diced
1/3 ish cup home made Mayo
2 chopped baby pickles
1/4 red onion minced
salt and pepper to taste
a few dashes of paprika

It was SOOO GOOD.  I wrapped it in crispy Romaine leaves and devoured it.     Justin ate it on toast and devoured it.   Raving reviews people.

I snacked on raw unsalted Cashews today with the rest of my family at the mini golf coarse.  I got 2nd.  Whoop.    Took the family to the Amish creamery and I told the nice Amish man there was not one thing in his awesome store I could enjoy.   He gave me a judgy face.  I was steadfast and gave him a judgey face back because he was chubby.   (Though always so nice... not hating... just a little angry that I could not have Trash Can Amish Ice Cream) ...
The egg salad almost made up for it.

 Took a morning blood sugar 127.   Afternoon 86.  

Popped some tags at the thrify shop.  Gap and Ralph Lauren with the tags still on them.  Whoop!  

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