Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Favorite Things....


It's week two of My Favorite Things over at FiddleDeeDee's Blog! Last week I saw some pretty cool stuff!
I am a Bzz Agent. I get free samples of things, occasionally and get to review them, spread the word about them, hand out coupons for them! I have handed out and used a few coupons for this product. It's the Ziploc Twist and Loc containers. I LOOOVE THEM! Basically, they twist shut instead of pressing shut, so you KNOW they are closed. They also have great measurement markers and a place to write the date on the top (great for leftovers... how long ago did we have this?? Is it growing mold yet??)
I've also used them to store craft stuff (like Gabriel's little tiny foam pieces that he loves to play with and glue to random things all over my house. )


Mrs. Bargain Hunting Wife said...

I love these too! They are the only containers I put soup/sauce in because I know they are shut and will stay shut!

Mikki said...

How fun! I've seen this Buzz Agent before. Is it a good thing? I wouldn't mind doing something fun like that.

If you get extra stuff for referrals, leave me a link on my blog

Mikki said...

OOps. Didn't see the link in your post.

I did tell them that I found it through you though :-) Don't know if that benefits you any.

Have a great day!

Mikki said...

I'm all signed up! Looks like it will be fun!

Thanks for the info!

Sarah @ Fiddledeedee said...

I haven't seen those before, but they look awesome! Now if I can just find a coupon...

Thanks for another great "My Favorite Things" post!