Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My A1c HomeCheck Results Are In....

And my HomeCheck A1c result was a 6.9! I am pretty okay with this number... I was hoping for a teensy bit lower, but this is better than my last one which was in the mid 7's. Next time, my goal is to bump it down to a 6.5. If I could just get my hands on some more Dexcom sensors I think this goal would be easily attainable! I also got an A1c taken at the doctor's on Monday,along with a complete thyroid panal (I have hypothyroidism) but haven't gotten the results yet. I'll let you know how close they compare. I'm anxious to find out. =) I was REALLY happy with the simplicity of the test, the customer service was fantastic and their support team got back to me very quickly through email. I defitnately recommend giving them a try!

This week I am not around much. It is VBS camp week at our church and the dozens of first graders are keeping me busy!! Gabriel is really enjoying being in the Pre School dept. It's hilarious listening to him recount the Bible stories... he gets them all really confused and melds them all together.... "So Nehemiah built a BIG wall and then he put baby Jesus in a basket and floated him down the Nile river where Princess Fiona found him (who's watched Shrek too many times?) and took him fishing. Then they fed lots of people food with a couple fish and some bread. ..."

I love 3 year olds.


Joyful Mother said...

I have never hears of an in-home A1c - I need to get me one of those. I suppose I will have mine tested on Monday.

Autumn Haven said...

Gabriel sounds about like Tater when he's retelling those stories. So funny!!!