Thursday, July 10, 2008

Crossing The Line?

Is this crossing the line in frugalness?  It's been a great week at the mailbox for free samples.  We got 2 free Pull ups and some shampoo, Multigrain Cheerios, flea medicine for Franklin, magazines, perfume.  Always a surprise coming now!   However.... last night I let Gabriel choose between the free pink Little Mermaid pull up or the blue Cars  pull up.  He chose the Little Mermaid.  Should I be worried?!?!?!    HAHA! 


Maria said...

both of my boys have had stages where they have said they wanted to grow up to be girls -- sometimes they still envy the girl toys of their older sister -- I think it has a lot more to do with the fact that she gets a lot more privileges etc than they do and they associate it with being a girl and not just with being older..........

Unknown said...

not any more worried than we are over our husbands' man-dates.

I got the multigrain cheerios, shampoo, conditioner and something else from FRIZZ EAZE and a free newborn diaper. I love the little surprises!!!!