Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

My baby boy turned 3 years old today. I can't believe it. He was a 4 lb. little premie and has blossomed into a 32 pound 3 year old with the biggest vocabulary you've ever heard on a kid. I swear he never stops talking. We have many upcoming changes for our family and I look forward to the day when Gabe starts pre school. Even though I'm a little sad that he's getting so big, so fast... I know he will LOVE the interaction with other kids, structure, and learning that great pre schools offer!

I weighed myself today at 139. That's 6 lbs. lighter than a week and a half ago. I am committed to getting these last pounds off! I've been doing The FIRM video every day and started jogging with DH last night. I've decreased the amount of insulin I take per day by almost 20 units. It feels wonderful.


Anonymous said...

Aww, the little guy is growing up. Please wish him a happy birthday from me, Mr. Jim and Sara. Maybe I can get them to sing to him when they get home...very loudly and offkey mind you!

Donna said...

Happy birthday to Gabe! They do grow up so fast. But it's fun.

Oh, and congratulations to you on the weight loss!

Valerie said...

Happy Birthday, Gabriel!

Windy, I am SO PROUD of you!