Monday, November 17, 2008


There is a cool new search engine site called SwagBucks that I signed up for a few weeks ago and I'm already earning giftcards!! I'm using these to help decrease our Christmas gift budget! Every little bit helps! Please feel free to click on the link and sign up too! It's free and you can earn lots of cool free stuff!!

1 comment:

Over Coffee - the green edition said...

Hi Windy. Nice to meet you.
In case you are wondering who I am, I am the one who posted the Green Toy giveaway on BD. Thanks for entering and sorry that you did not win.
I really enjoyed learning all the things that people are doing to go green! I was happily surprised by how many people are using reusable bags and reusable bottles!
I wanted to let my fellow bloggers know that I am doing an
Act2-GreenSmart shoulder bag giveaway on my blog if you or your readers are interested in entering.
Contributing writer for Healthy Bliss channel at